Hailey’s Studio Session | York, PA Photographers
Hailey joined me in the studio to update her headshots and showed up as her most comfortable and confident self.
How’d she do that? By being her.
She came decked out in rainbow nails for Pride (I couldn’t stop staring at them…you’ll see why in a minute), a kickass skeleton shirt, and her vintage-vibe frames. No overly done makeup, no stiff hairstyle, no dress shirt—just her beautiful self.
You don’t have to be anything but you to make a double-take worthy headshot; the response to Hailey’s photos ranged from “Dude she looked killer!” to “This is so natural I love it!”
Have a look for yourself:

Hailey’s a graphic designer who has seen her work appear in Target. (She said she stood in the aisle crying awkwardly in front of strangers when she saw it in person for the first time. I love that—very much.)
Art’s been a huge part of her life, and I—and everyone else—completely adore that she brought that into her headshots.
Because you don’t have to be what you think everyone else wants you to be in order to get where you want to go.
In fact, the opposite is true. Be who you are, and the right job, the right audience—the right everything—will start to line up for you. (We’re both living proof.)
Looking for some shots like these for yourself? Shots that you feel like you can say that’s me to? See more or book your session.
All good things,

Lauren is one of the many talented York PA photographers, though she’s strayed away from the mainstream and focuses on personal branding photography. She makes sure your brand’s photos match where your business is going, not just where it’s been. If you’re looking for a personal branding photographer near Baltimore, York Pa photographers, Philadelphia photographers, commercial photography, product photography, or headshots, get in touch with her!