Take the Step – Business Motivation
Need some motivation in your business right now? Think about this:
I had a realization today that, at almost 25 years old, I could live two—possibly 3—more of the lives I’ve already lived. That’s a long time.
What also came with that realization was that so many of us are willing to hold onto the same story of who we are for all three of those lifetimes.
That’s a long time, guys. That’s a realllly long time of giving up on yourself.
If you’re afraid to start again because you feel you’re already too far down a certain path, give yourself the chance to live that new life you’ve been dreaming of.
Believe in yourself, or at least start to trust the universe. Leave the job. Start the business. Complete that project just because it’s something to do. Put yourself out there. Wear that outfit. Spend the money. Take a chance. Accept the compliment. Leave the shitty friends. Join a club by yourself. Find people who believe in your dreams.
Why not? You’ve got all the time in the world.
Here are just a few people I’ve been lucky enough to work with who I’ve seen make those changes, despite what their life’s story could have told them to be.

There are many of us, and you will find them as soon as you take that first baby step.
Here’s to creating a new life, today and always.
All good things,
P.S. Looking to take that step? Join the community. Looking to see yourself in your highest potential? Sign up for a session with me.
“Personally transformational.” -Austin R.

Lauren is a personal branding photographer near Baltimore and York, PA. She believes that none of us are as strong as all of us, and that everyone should have branding images that match where their business is headed, not just where it’s been. If you’re looking for Baltimore photographers, York PA photographers, or photographers in Philadelphia, reach out! She does studio headshots, personal branding photography, product photography and commercial photography.