We (Dakota, his Aunt Mindi, his sister Jordan, and I) spent the evening before this proposal at the Appell Center, throwing rose pedals everywhere, helping Dakota adjust his vocals, and planning every single detail of the event down to the minute.
Here’s how the proposal went down:
Carly and Dakota walked into what was supposed to be a reception before the symphony played at the Appell Center in York, PA.
Dakota excused himself to go to the bathroom, and instead of having a room full of people to mingle with, Carly was left in an empty waiting area. That is…until she was greeted by her sister-in-law-to-be, Jordan, with a glass of champagne.
Dakota nervously slipped through the door to the theatre, took to the stage, and started fiddling around on his guitar while Jordan stalled.
By the time Carly was ushered in and told to follow the rose pedals to her reserved center seat, Dakota was playing a tear-jerking cover of Allen Stone’s song, Consider Me.
I imagine it was the most thrilling 3 minutes of both of their lives (so far).
She joined him on stage afterwards where he drew the ring from his pocket and said, “10 years ago, we met on a stage…so I thought it was fitting to start the next chapter of our lives on a stage as well. So Carly, will you marry me?”
And, well, the marquee sign in the photos tells you exactly how the story ends 😉

Congrats, Carly and Dakota!
You were clearly meant to be. So much love between you two and your families. Here’s to many years of laughter, friendship, and love 🙂
Special thanks to Mindi and Jordan and the Appell Center crew for putting this all together!
All good things,

Lauren is a traveling personal branding photographer who’s located between Baltimore and Philadelphia in York, PA. She takes killer high-end headshots that make you say, “That’s me?!” and “That’s me.” at the same time. If you’re looking for photographs for your Baltimore- or Philly-based business, or looking for a portrait photographer in York, PA, family photographer in York, PA, or portrait photographer in Lancaster, PA, or portrait photographer near Baltimore, get in touch!