Jump to: Photos • Real-use examples • Your branding question
“We need to do this tomorrow. Today’s not the day.”
I’ve worked with Ange long enough that, even though I told her it might make us rushed, she was making the right call to push her photo session back.
See, while we were in the Bahamas that afternoon, Ange worked completely through a deep layer of emotion she had just uncovered around her late husband.
And I’m so glad she waited. Because the person we would have captured in her brand photos would’ve been SO different from the person she was the next day.
Samples of Ange’s photos in the wild
Ange is a life coach who brought an online co-creating community to life. You can also grab a copy of her book on Amazon here: Beauty in the Brokenness.
Planning Ange’s Bahamas Branding Session
Always match your brand to where your business is headed, not where it’s been. That is and will forever be one of my core beliefs in branding photography.
So with some new work helping women co-create consciously, and a new mission to help women in Kenya start a school, and her own personal journey of owning every sexy, rough, emotional facet of herself, Ange’s brand keyword became “raw.”
That’s Ange’s new brand. Embracing every single part of you, exactly as it is.
So, we went to the rocks. And the water. And told the story of what that word means to her through these gorgeous branding images. We showed her raw, goddess body and beauty, her raw laughter, her gratitude and reflective mind.
Because if she’s helping her people embrace every emotion and fall in love with all parts of them, this is a visual way to sell the hell out of the the fact that it’s welcome.
And we got a variety of looks that told this story.
Enjoy, and scroll to the bottom of this post for your own branding action item!
Ange’s Branding Session Highlights

The most successful brand photos are created with the end in mind. Here’s a free brand photography planning tool that’ll show you 30+ ways you can use your photos and best design/content practices to help your audience fall in love with your message.

Your branding question
What emotions are you avoiding that might lead to your next big breakthrough in both life and business? Oh yeah, we’re going there. Journal, feel into it, talk it out with someone who’s not going to dismiss your emotions.
Once you get to the other side of that, what does it inspire for your brand? What new identity or wisdom do you want to bring into your work?
All good things,

Look. Photos are just awkward. Period. It’s not you. That’s why my photo sessions are built around putting you in your comfort zone so you can show up like your real self and get in front of the people you really want to be working with.
Lauren is an international branding photographer and headshot photographer serving Philadelphia, York PA, Baltimore, and worldwide. Need some help planning your branding photos? Use this free brand photography planning tool.