This was a risky session! A handful of us timidly gathered in a Lancaster, PA home with our masks, safety protocols, and social-distancing tactics. Quarantine was over, but the fear of Covid was still very fresh.
That didn’t matter to any of us though—Dr. Kymn had a book to launch and was ready to do everything she needed to make her presence known.
2022 update: It paid off! Dr. Kymn Harvin became an international best-selling author!
Samples of Kymn’s photos in the world
Dr. Kymn Harvin is an international best-selling author of The Soul of America Speaks and the “Professor of Love”. She teaches others how to care for themselves by speaking their truths.
Dr. Kymn’s Branding Session Highlights

The most successful brand photos are created with the end in mind. Here’s a free brand photography planning tool that’ll show you 30+ ways you can use your photos and best design/content practices to help your audience fall in love with your message.

Look. Photos are just awkward. Period. It’s not you. That’s why my photo sessions are built around putting you in your comfort zone so you can show up like your real self and get in front of the people you really want to be working with.
Lauren is an international branding photographer and headshot photographer serving Philadelphia, York PA, Baltimore, and worldwide. Need some help planning your branding photos? Use this free brand photography planning tool.